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How to deal with fake profiles and abusive members?

  • What are fakes?

    Fakes (or spammers) are people behind profiles who try to lure you with offers and services and are not on to be social.   These days fakes act in many weird and surprisingly different ways....

  • What do I do if I suspect a fake profile?

    If you have reasons to doubt about a member's authenticity, regardless if you have any concrete proof, please report it [] to us.   Open the pro...

  • I've received a spam message, what should I do?

    We don't tolerate spammers on  They're not genuine and usually link to a fraudulent web page, a fee-based offer, a competitor or just want your email address. While we work hard to stop spa...

  • Another member has offended me

    We don't entertain offensive members in our family, so here are a couple of actions you can take. First, we recommend that you ignore the offending person and put them on your ignore list [h...

  • How do I ignore a member in the message system?

    You can 'ignore' someone by opening the conversation and clicking on the '...' icon on the left side of the text box (desktop), and then select 'ignore member' from the drop-down menu.  When you ignor...

  • How does fight against fakes?

    We check and look into all reports made to us by the community about fake profiles. What's more, our Support Team is always looking for fakes and misleading profile information. Weeding out the fakes ...